About me

Hola! I’m Laura, a UX/UI designer

I am based in Washington DC and a native of Medellin, Colombia. I have a passion for creativity which is expressed through my art, dancing, and creating impactful experiences with design.



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In my past life, I worked as an industrial designer for one of the biggest electrodomestics companies in Colombia called Haceb. I had the opportunity to participate in two projects where I supported usability testing, design, and production for two special refrigerator collections. First, "Collection Mixture", which was presented at Colombia's Fashion Week 2014. Second, Soccer Minibar, which was sold during the World Cup in 2014.

Then I started in an agency were I was responsible for managing the production and design for the company’s products, including packages, umbrellas and promotional materials like hats, glasses and cups. It was during this time that I discovered the importance of communication and detail within design. I was consistently speaking with our manufacturers, providing perfect specifications, discussing the most cost-effective materials, while always keeping both the consumer and our business in mind. There are tons of moving parts involved in the production process, and I found out that I was actually intrigued by the challenge to deliver the perfect products that fit everyone’s needs.

Soccer mini bar. Haceb

Soccer mini bar. Haceb

Grupo Mao Agency

Grupo Mao Agency

My sister and I while she was visiting me in Washington DC

My sister and I while she was visiting me in Washington DC

The transition to UX was thanks to my sister, who’s been a huge influencer being a systems engineer and in the tech field. One day, I expressed how I wanted to create an app that helped women quickly find outfits that were tailored to the type of event they were attending. I conducted research, did some quick sketches, and she was impressed by how rapidly I illustrated this concept. This is how I started my studies in UX and discovered General Assembly were I took a bootcamp in user experience design.

Being in this field now I have learned that the process is my favorite part. From information gathering, to conceptualization, and collectively brainstorming new ways to solve problems; I love all of it. The best feeling is working with different wireframes, colors, shapes, and then getting the validation with real users.

I am constantly inspired by design in everything around me and by learning from others. My curiosity and drive to just make things better, will always push me to exceed expectations and continuously deliver innovative solutions.